Luxury Films and Tint by Eric Scara partners

Tips for Car Owners

Benefits of Window Tinting

If you are a vehicle owner, you might have heard the term tinted windows before, and you might think that it is all about privacy. However, window tinting offers important benefits other than for privacy purposes, and these include:

Shields Your Eyes

It might be a surprise for you to know that sun glare is responsible for different car accidents each year. Even if your visor is down, it can still be possible to be blinded by sun rays, and if they hit your windshield the right way, it might cause you to lose your vision for several seconds, which is enough time for you to collide with another car. A mobile window tinting service can reduce glare by up to 70 to 90 percent, which can minimize the risk of being blinded by the heat of the sun while you are driving.

Preserves Auto Upholstery

Ultraviolet or UV rays can break down the chemical bonds in different materials, which can cause them to lose or fade color. Because of a car’s small space, if your upholstery is exposed to direct sunlight, it might cause your upholstery to fade in no time. If you want your upholstery to last for a long time, tinted windows can be beneficial for you. Depending on the grade, layered films can block as much as 99 percent of UV radiation, which results in better UV protection for your car’s upholstery.

Cools Your Interiors

By blocking UV rays, tinted windows also prevent heat transfer. The process involves keeping solar radiation out of your interiors, which prevents it from becoming an oven during hot days. This will make your ride more comfortable and will also help preserve your car’s battery since you might not use your air conditioner at all.

Companies in Jacksonville, FL like Luxury Films and Tint by Eric Scara offer cheap dark auto tinting services if you are looking to have your windows tinted. With these benefits, you can really notice a huge difference.