Luxury Films and Tint by Eric Scara partners

Thinking of Getting Your Window Tinted?

What Is Involved with Window Tinting?

Glass or window tinting is a process that changes glass to reduce light or a specific type of radiation. This can be used to reduce light glare, in addition to reducing how much heat enters a car or to add a more aesthetically look to one’s car. Glass tinting can be done either by using a chemical on the glass while it is being manufactured, or by adding a film either on or between the glass after it is made.

Tinting often results in some form of discoloration, however, this greatly depends on the chemicals that were used to create the tint. Common colors range from blue, yellow, black or green. One popular use is to reduce how much UV radiation enters a vehicle, as UV radiation can result in fading of the upholstery, and carpets over time and tinting can reduce this process. This kind of tint will allow in as much natural light, however, will prevent any damaging bands of light in.

Preventing heat gain is also a good reason for tinting. In warmer climates, driving around and having your AC on full blast does consume more fuel, so having some of your car’s windows tinted will reduce the need of using your AC continuously. However, before you get your windows tinted, you need to find out what the rules and regulations of your region are with regards to how dark and which windows you can get tinted.

Window tinting can be extremely effective, and will often block over 50% of the solar heat by increasing the glass surfaces reflectance. Window film can also be used on buildings, and are an excellent way to stop UV light and heat from entering the building, however, they are often used more like a privacy tint.

And there you have it. If you are interested in glass tinting and live in Jacksonville, FL, please do not hesitate to call us today at (904) 942-9652.